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    • 主演: Melha Bedia   瓦莱丽·勒梅西埃   艾莉森·惠勒   朗齐·贝迪亚   Nanou Garcia 
    • 导演:卡迪亚·勒库维兹 
    • 分类:喜剧片
    • 地区:法国 
    • 年份:2019 
    • 更新:07.07
    • 简介:www.7peilian.com 42178碟调网她所有的朋友都喜欢努尔。她是一个假小子,踢一场劲头十足的足球比赛,队友们把她当男生一样对待。她也能以她的机敏和机智对付任何人。但是,尽管有她的伙伴、过度保护她的妈妈和她聪明的头脑,努尔还是不开心。她希望自己能更女性化,希望男人们把她当成女孩,而不是可爱的弟弟。特别是自从她男朋友为了某个辣妹甩了她之后,努尔已经走投无路了。有些事情需要改变。所以当钢管舞教练Sissi提出免费教她时,Nour抓住了尝试新事物的机会。在茜茜的指导下,茜茜相信她,在她的朋友们的支持下,Nour付出了她所能做的一切,希望她也能变得女性化。


    • 主演:Melha Bedia 瓦莱丽·勒梅西埃 艾莉森·惠勒 朗齐·贝迪亚 Nanou Garcia 料内尔·林格赛 
    • 导演:卡迪亚·勒库维兹 
    • 分类:喜剧片
    • 地区:法国 
    • 年份:2020 
    • 更新:06.03
    • 简介:www.7peilian.com 42178碟调网All her friends adore Nour. She’s a tomboy, plays a badass game of soccer and is treated like one of the guys by her teammates. She can also take on anyone, with her sharp wit and repartee. But despite her buddies, her over-protective mom and her brilliant mind, Nour is unhappy. She wishes she could be more feminine and wants dudes to see her as a girl, not a cute brother. Especially since her boyfriend just dumped her for some hot chick Nour is at the end of her rope. Something needs to change. So when Sissi, a Pole Dance instructor offers to teach her for free, Nour grabs the chance to try something new. Coached by Sissi, who believes in her, and supported by her group of friends, Nour gives everything she’s got to the possibility that she too, can be womanly.

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